Joke 1:
Interviewer: Sorry, but I can't give u a job. I don't need much help.
Interviewee: That's all right. In fact I'm just the right person in this case. You see, I won't be of much help anyway!!

Joke 2:
Father: Son, what do you want for your birthday?
Son: Not much dad, just a radio with a sports car around it.

Joke 3:
Teacher: What a pair of strange socks you are wearing, one is green and one is blue with red spots!
Student: Yes it's really strange. I've got another pair of the same at home.

Joke 4:
Man1: I see you've lost weight since you started your new job at sales. Did you put yourself on a diet?
Man2: No, my boss put me on commission.

Joke 5:
Friend1: What's a practical nurse?
Friend2: A nurse who marries a wealthy, terminally ill patient.

Joke 6:
Patient: It's been one month since my last visit and I still feel miserable.
Doctor: Did you follow the instructions on the medicine I gave you?
Patient: I sure did. The bottle said, 'keep tightly closed.'

Joke 7:
A newly married husband saved his wife's number on his mobile as… “My Life”
After one year of marriage he changed the number to "My Wife"
After 2 years of marriage he changed the number to "Home"
After 5 years of marriage he changed the number to "Hitler"
After 10 years of marriage he changed the number to "Wrong Number"