Question 1:
Question: What is common between a dog and a tree ?
Answer: The bark

Question 2:
Question: Everyone in the world break me when they speak every time. Who am I ?
Answer: Silence

Question 3:
Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years ?
Answer: The letter "m"

Question 4:
Question: What did the baby corn ask the mama corn ?
Answer: Where is the popcorn?

Question 5:
Question: Where do fish deposit their money ?
Answer: On the river bank

Question 6:
Question: What is the end of everything ?
Answer: The letter "g"

Question 7:
Question: 7. In which place are you silent ?
Answer: In the building (‘u’ is silent in pronouncing ‘building’.)

Question 8:
Question: Can you make SEVEN an even number ?
Answer: Yes, Remove ‘S’ From it

Question 9:
Question: What relatives are dependent on "you" ?
Answer: Aunt, uncle, cousin. They all need "U"