Joke 1:
Patient: Doctor, my wife is unfaithful to me. Every evening, she goes to Larry's bar and picks up men. In fact, she sleeps with anybody who asks her! I'm going crazy. What do you think I should do?
Doctor: Relax, take a deep breath and calm down. Now, tell me, exactly where is Larry's bar?

Joke 2:
Patient: Doctor, I feel there are two of me.
Doctor: Very well, I shall see you, one at a time.

Joke 3:
Doctor: For God's sake, stop making those noises and waving your arms. I haven't even touched your tooth yet.
Patient: Yes, I know. But, your foot is on my foot.

Joke 4:
Doctor: What had happened to your ears ?
Patient: I was ironing my shirt and the phone-rang. Instead of picking up the phone I picked up the Iron and stuck it to my ear.
Doctor: Oh Dear! What happened to your other ear?
Patient: The scoundrel called back.

Joke 5:
Patient: Is there any way for long life?
Doctor: Get married.
Patient: Will it help?
Doctor: No, but the thought of long life will never come.