Joke 1:
Girlfriend: I want to end our relationship, I am going to return you everything you gave me..
Boyfriend: What a joke? Okay then, let's start with Kisses..!!!
Joke 2:
Girlfriend said to boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be your forever.
Boyfriend: Thanks for the warning!!
Joke 3:
Girlfriend: Are your sure that you love me only?
Boyfriend: Yes dear, i have checked my whole list...
Joke 4:
Girlfriend: There is nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for you in life.
Boyfriend: Do you love me so much honey?
Girlfriend: Well, what I meant was that I am going to spend my life doing nothing for you.
Joke 5:
Boyfriend: Dear do you know that exams are like girlfriend?
Girlfriend: How funny?
Boyfriend: Yes, they are tough to understand, complicated, lots of questions and the result is always doubtful..
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