Question 1:
Question: What is the best thing to put on a delicious cake?
Answer: Your MOUTH!

Question 2:
Question: What is the strongest force in the earth?
Answer: LOVE!

Question 3:
Question: Most of the kids love to carry these keys. What are those keys?
Answer: Cookies!

Question 4:
Question: A few months have 31 days; a few months have 30 days. How many months have 28 days?
Answer: All months.

Question 5:
Question: What is the most struggling of all subjects?

Question 6:
Question: There is a head and there is a tail! But no body – what is it?
Answer: A COIN

Question 7:
Question: Scientists are trying to find out what is between earth and heaven. Can you find me?
Answer: AND

Question 8:
Question: What is the word that is spelled incorrectly in all dictionaries?
Answer: Incorrectly

Question 9:
Question: I am the biggest alphabet, as I contain the most water in the world. Who am I ?
Answer: Alphabet 'C'