Joke 1:
I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary?" She said, "Somewhere I have never been!" I told her, "How about the kitchen?"

Joke 2:
Wait For Me Honey, I’m Just Finishing My Make-Up.
You Don’t Need Make-Up, Jane.
Oh, Richard…. Really? That Is So Sweet Of You!
You Need Plastic Surgery.

Joke 3:
Husband: Do you know that man who lives next door has two girlfriends unknown to wife.
Wife: Who is the other one?

Joke 4:
Wife to her husband: Wake up. Some thieves have broken into our house. I think they are now eating the food I made last night.
Husband: Oh! Let's better call the ambulance then.

Joke 5:
Wife: You have become very fat
Husband: You’re also too fat
Wife: But I will become a mother
Husband: I am also going to be a father !!!