Joke 1:
Man1: Which of our natural resources do you think will become exhausted first?
Man2: The taxpayer.

Joke 2:
Friend1: Should Women have Children after 35?
Friend2: No! 35 Children are More than Enough!!

Joke 3:
Man1:  I got a brand new luxury car for my wife!
Man2: Wow!!! That's an unbelievable exchange offer!!!

Joke 4:
Woman1: What happened to the glow worm who was squashed?
Woman2: he was de-lighted.

Joke 5:
Interviewer: Where would you see yourself in five years’ time?
Man: Personally I believe my biggest weakness is in listening.

Joke 6:
Husband: If it weren't for my money, the house wouldn't be here!
Wife: my dear, if it weren't for your Money, i wouldn't be here.

Joke 7:
Here is the definition of divorce....…
She gets the ring and the man gets the finger!