Joke 1:
Teacher: How old is your dad.
Student: He is as old as I am.
Teacher: How is it possible?
Student: Because he became a dad only after I was born.

Joke 2:
Teacher: If your father and mother both give you 50$, what you will get?
Student: A new video game.

Joke 3:
Teacher: why doctors wear a mask when they do an operation?
Student: For safety. If the patient dies, others can’t find out who did the operation.

Joke 4:
Teacher: Which is the oldest animal in world?
Sardar: ZEBRA
Teacher: How?
Sardar: Because it is Black & White.

Joke 5:
Teacher: Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Pluto and Neptune. Everyone must attend it.
Student: Sorry my mom wouldn’t let me go so far.