Joke 1:
Son: Mummy, when was I born?
Mother: 20th of April
Son: Wow, what a coincidence. It is the exact date when I have my birthday.

Joke 2:
Wife: I guess I didn't get my birthday wish.
Husband: How do you know?
Wife: You're still here!

Joke 3:
Patient: Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake.
Doctor: Next time, take off the candles.

Joke 4:
Husband: I'm giving a 'surprised' birthday party for you.
Wife: A 'surprised' birthday party? What's that?
Husband: That's where I invite a bunch of your friends, and if any of them come, I'll be surprised!

Joke 5:
Man1: What's the easiest way to remember wife's birthday?
Man2: Forget it once!

Joke 6:
Wife: Did you go shopping for my birthday present?
Husband: Yeah, and I found the perfect thing.
Wife: What thing is that?
Husband: Nothing!

Joke 7:
Man: Doctor, I get a strong stinging feeling in my eyes every time I eat a birthday cake.
Doctor: Next time, blow out the candles.