Joke 1:
Teacher: what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?
Student: A teacher.

Joke 2:
Man1: I want to divorce my wife.
Man2: On what grounds?
Man1: She is out all night, every night, going from bar to bar.
Man2: Are you saying she's an alcoholic or do you think she's cheating?
Man1: No, she is looking for me.

Joke 3:
Wife: What you want you don't get
Husband: Love
Wife: What you get, you don't enjoy
Husband: marriage
Wife: What you enjoy, is not permanent
Husband: girlfriend
Wife: What is permanent, is boring
Husband: wife

Joke 4:
Husband: Tell me what you'd like for your birthday.
Wife: Frankly, I'd like a divorce.
Husband: Yikes! I wasn't planning on spending that much!

Joke 5:
Man1: Today I got through the first step of getting divorced.
Man2: Oh!  did you go to Mr. Zzzz?  Everyone goes to him for divorces.
Man1: No, I just got married.

Joke 6:
Husband: Why can’t you make bread like my mother?
Wife: I would if you could make dough like your father! 

Joke 7:
A good teacher according to students is 1 who : 
-Should Be Absent At Least 3 Times A Week,
-Should Come In Class 10mins Late And Left The Class 10 Mins Earlier,
-Should Not Give Any Homework And Assignments
-Should Not Ask Any Questions To Students, 
-Should Not Disturb The Students By Teaching While They Are Talking...