Joke 1:
Son: What's a man?
Father: A man is someone who is responsible and cares for their family.
Son: I hope one day I can be a man just like mom!

Joke 2:
Father: What you want to be in your life?
Son: A Doctor.
Father: What skills do you have of a doctor?
Son: Doctor's handwriting.

Joke 3:
Friend1: When my wife is infuriated, she starts shouting at me,
my children and even at our dogs and nobody dares to answer her.
Friend2: And when you are angry, What do you do?
Friend1: I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dares to answer back.

Joke 4:
Teacher: What do you call the child of parents from Iceland and Cuba?
Student: An ice cube.

Joke 5:
Father: It's a good thing you chose to takes accounting at school.
Daughter: How come?
Father: Because I want you to account for coming home at five am this morning.

Joke 6:
Dad: what was wrong?
Daughter: Nothing's wrong, daddy We're playing a game.
Dad: What's the game?
Son: Marriage.

Joke 7:
I almost had a psychic girlfriend...
But she left me before we met.