Joke 1:
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: My Heart is mobile and you are it's SIM.
Girl: Ooh God.. I am so Lucky....
Boy(P): She Doesn't know that My mobile is Dual SIM..

Joke 2:
Question: Why is Math always sad?
Answer: Because it has to many problems..

Joke 3:
Student: Would you punish me for something I didn't do?
Teacher: No, of course not.
Student: Excellent, because I didn't do my homework.

Joke 4:
Question: What is the quickest way to double your money?
Answer: Fold it in half!

Joke 5:
Boyfriend: Do you think my salary is sufficient for you?
Girlfriend: It is sufficient for me, but how will you survive?....

Joke 6:
Why do you write 'etc' at the end in the exam?
Because it means
E - End of
T - Thinking
C - Capacity

Joke 7:
Boy1: What is difference between COFFEE shop and WINE shop?
Boy 2: COFFEE shop is the starting point of love & WINE shop is the Last point of love.

Joke 8:
Teacher: I am beautiful. Which tense is this?
Student: Obviously the past tense.