Joke 1:
Man1: I’m worried – it’s raining and my wife is in market.
Man2: Oh, she’ll probably step inside some store.
Man1: Yeah. That’s what I am worried about!

Joke 2:
Girl: Why didn’t you give me anything for my birthday?
Boy: You told me to surprise you!

Joke 3:
Teacher: Oxygen is must for breathing. It was discovered in 1773.
Student: Thank God. I was born after that. If I was born before that I would have died too soon!

Joke 4:
Man1: What is the Difference between Friend & Wife?
Man2: You can tell your friend “You are my Best Friend”
But do you have courage tell to your Wife “You are my Best Wife?”

Joke 5:
Man1: A successful marriage is based on give & take.
Man2: How?
Man1: Where husband gives money, gifts, dresses and wife takes it;
And whereas wife gives advices, lectures, tensions and husband take it!

Joke 6:
Teacher to half-asleep Student in class,
Teacher: Who invented Steam Engine?
Student: What Sir?
Teacher: Very good. It’s correct. James Watt, it is.
Moral: Sleeping improves your General Knowledge!

Joke 7:
Dear Parents,
If you want to find out where your son/daughter is in the house, simply “Turn off” the “Wi-fi” and wait!