Joke 1:
Man: How much for a haircut?
Barber: Fifteen dollars.
Man: How much for a shave?
Barber: Ten dollars.
Man: Right, shave my head.
Joke 2:
Man: Doctor my hair keeps falling out, can you give me anything keep it in.
Doctor: Yes, here is a paper bag!
Joke 3:
Friend1: What's that terribly ugly thing on your shoulders?
Friend2: Help! What is it?
Friend1: Your head!
Joke 4:
Husband: Honey, I invited a friend home for supper.
Wife: What?... Are you crazy?
The house is a mess,
I haven't been shopping,
all the dishes are dirty,
and I don't feel like cooking a fancy meal!
Husband: I know all that
Wife: Then why did you invite a friend for a supper?
Husband: Because the poor fool's thinking about getting married.
Joke 5:
Woman1: Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?
Woman2: Yes, I am, I married the wrong man.
Joke 6:
Man: Is there any way for long life?
Doctor: Get married.
Man: Will it help?
Doctor: No, but the thought of long life will never come.
Joke 7:
Wife: What are you doing?
Husband: Nothing.
Wife: Nothing..? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.
Husband: I was looking for the expiration date.