Joke 1:
Man1: I was a dude before marrying.
Man2: And what are you now?
Man1: Now I'm subdued!

Joke 2:
Lady Secretary: Sir, It's your wife's call. She wants to kiss you on the phone.
Boss: I am busy. You may take the message & pass it on to me, later.

Joke 3:
Man1: How the word "Wife" was invented?
Man2: They took the first two and last two letters of "Wildlife"!

Joke 4:
Man1: What is your favourite memory when you were unmarried?
Man2: Not being scared of Festival/Seasonal Big Brand Sales!

Joke 5:
Boy: I want to be millionaire, just like my dad.....!
Girl: Wow, your dad's a millionaire..!
Boy: No, but he always wanted to be...…..!

Joke 6:
Kid: My teacher has gone crazy Mom.
Mother: Why do you think so?
Kid: Yesterday he said that 3 times 4 is 12. Today he is saying that 12 is 6 times 2.

Joke 7:
An English professor wrote the words:
“A woman without her man is nothing"
On the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly...
All of the males in the class wrote:
"A woman, without her man, is nothing."
All the females in the class wrote:
"A woman: without her, man is nothing."