Joke 1:
Man1: My friend just finished writing a book "How to get money" and now he needs money to publish it.
Man2: Tell him to read the book.

Joke 2:
Once a drunker was lying on the road side, one kind man asked: Why did you drink so much that you cannot even stand?
Drunker: It was my helplessness. I had to do it.
Man: What was your problem?
Drunker: The cap of bottle was misplaced!!

Joke 3:
Store Manager: "I saw you arguing with that customer who just left. I told you before that the customer is always right. Do you understand me?"
Salesclerk: "Yes, sir. The customer is always right."
Store Manager: "That's better. Now what were you arguing with the customer about?"
Salesclerk: "Well, sir, he said you were an idiot."

Joke 4:
Friend1: My wife went for horse-riding to lose weight. Lost 6kg!!
Friend2: Hard work pays!
Friend1: No! She didn't but that horse lost the weight!

Joke 5:
Friend: Do you drink regularly or occasionally?
Me: Occasionally but occasions come regularly..

Joke 6:
father: You are so careless.. Do you take anything seriously
son: Yes, My smart phone low battery warning!!!

Joke 7:
When there is earthquake...
Do Not Panic..
1st .. Update status on Fb/WhatsApp...
2nd: after 1st step, if you get time,, come outside of home...
3rd: take a selfie with crowd and upload on social media and say... enjoying earthquake..