English Jokes | Part - 30


Joke 1:
Man1: My friend just finished writing a book "How to get money" and now he needs money to publish it.
Man2: Tell him to read the book.

Joke 2:
Once a drunker was lying on the road side, one kind man asked: Why did you drink so much that you cannot even stand?
Drunker: It was my helplessness. I had to do it.
Man: What was your problem?
Drunker: The cap of bottle was misplaced!!

Joke 3:
Store Manager: "I saw you arguing with that customer who just left. I told you before that the customer is always right. Do you understand me?"
Salesclerk: "Yes, sir. The customer is always right."
Store Manager: "That's better. Now what were you arguing with the customer about?"
Salesclerk: "Well, sir, he said you were an idiot."

Joke 4:
Friend1: My wife went for horse-riding to lose weight. Lost 6kg!!
Friend2: Hard work pays!
Friend1: No! She didn't but that horse lost the weight!

Joke 5:
Friend: Do you drink regularly or occasionally?
Me: Occasionally but occasions come regularly..

Joke 6:
father: You are so careless.. Do you take anything seriously
son: Yes, My smart phone low battery warning!!!

Joke 7:
When there is earthquake...
Do Not Panic..
1st .. Update status on Fb/WhatsApp...
2nd: after 1st step, if you get time,, come outside of home...
3rd: take a selfie with crowd and upload on social media and say... enjoying earthquake..

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  1. One of the wonderful qualities of the human race is humor. Jokes may lighten the mood of the downcast, diffuse conflict, restore broken relationships, and wipe away tears. There is always a method to make someone smile, regardless of who they are talking to or what kind of personality they have (Thumbs Up Jokes).
